
Oshkosh North Girls Basketball, Inc. is a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation providing an excellent opportunity for girls grades 3rd through 8th to learn the sport of basketball, experience the excitement of school spirit, and build lasting friendships. The club is managed through volunteers including a board of directors made up of a president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary, Varsity head coach and team representatives from grades 3rd through 8th. The club is governed by the corporation’s by-laws.


Youth Club Purpose:

To provide girls from 3rd to 8th grade the opportunity to:
Learn the fundamentals of competitive basketball through individual skills and team play
Develop each player physically and mentally through exposure to higher-level competition
Provide a vehicle to learn and practice sportsmanship, teamwork, and team play
Prepare for high school basketball at Oshkosh North High School

Volunteering is at the heart of what makes the club successful. Parents/Guardians/Players are expected to donate their time to help keep individual registration fees low for all club members. Many volunteering opportunities exist throughout the season including board participation, assisting at hosted tournaments, selling raffle tickets and many other events the club sponsors throughout the year.

Club Meetings:
Club general meetings, at a minimum, are held bi-monthly in September, November, January, and March. A club end-of-the-year celebration is held after each team’s season has concluded (late March/early April).

What does your daughter receive?
Coaching aligned with Oshkosh North High School philosophies
An average of 6 tournaments for grades 5th through 8 (3rd grade - 4 tournaments)
Youth Night (recognition at a varsity game)
Basketball skills training
A great experience creating friends, learning skills and teamwork, and building a tradition of successful basketball at Oshkosh North High School

Issue Resolution:
If there are issues that arise, first communicate it with your coach after time has passed in an effort to remove emotions from the conversation. If this does not resolve the issue, then contact the club President for a formal review of the issue with the Executive Board of Directors. The ONGB Executive Board of Directors reserves the right to settle all disputes.

Oshkosh North
Youth Program
Oshkosh North
HS Program
1100 W. Smith Ave.
Oshkosh, WI 54901
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